Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill

Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill

Dennis Tan Lip Fong
Dennis Tan Lip Fong
Delivered in Parliament on
February 2025
min read

During the Second Reading of the Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill, MP Dennis Tan raised concerns about its impact on race-based clan and business associations. He asked about the extent of reporting requirements for foreign donations and affiliations, urging clarity on exemptions and potential administrative burdens, especially for smaller organizations. He sought assurance that foreign donations are not inherently discouraged and asked about joint project funding. While supporting leadership restrictions, he suggested that responsible officers should be Singapore citizens only, not permanent residents. Finally, he emphasised the need for balanced regulations that prevent foreign interference while ensuring the continued relevance of clan and business associations.

Mr Deputy Speaker, I support the Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill but I have some questions and concerns relating to the proposed provisions in this Bill relating to clans and business organisations which would be designated as race-based entities under the Bill. I declare that I am an honorary advisor of the Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan.

Designation of race-based entities

Mr Deputy Speaker, according to MHA, clan and business associations linked to the Chinese, Malay and Indian races would be designated “race-based entities” under this Bill and be subject to measures to curb possible foreign influence. It was reported that, according to MHA’s preliminary estimation, this Bill, once passed, would result in the designation of more than 300 such entities in Singapore. The CNA reported that according to MHA, organisations that promote the interests of a racial group or sub-group are potential entry points for such influence and entities may be designated if their objectives and activities represent the interests of any race or issues relating to it, and that “designation is deemed necessary or expedient to pre-empt, prevent or reduce any foreign influence that may undermine racial harmony in Singapore.”

Concerns on impact to cultural and economic associations

Mr Deputy Speaker, while I agree that clan and business associations linked to races should be protected from foreign political influence and interference, I am concerned with the possible impact the new rules may have on our clan associations and other race-based associations whose focus may be cultural and economic, and not political.

Reporting obligations for designated entities

Clauses 18 to 22 of this Bill provide for regulations imposing reporting obligations on designated entities. Clause 18(1) requires that designated entities will generally be required to report the foreign donations and anonymous donations that they accept, subject to the regulations to be provided. Clause 18(2) sets out various matters that may be prescribed by the regulations to be included in the reports to be submitted by designated entities. They include the classes of foreign donations and anonymous donations that need not be reported. May I ask the minister what would be the classes or types of foreign donations which designated entities will be required to report? Would this be categorised by a monetary limit?

Foreign affiliations and their exemptions

Clause 19(1) requires designated entities to report their foreign affiliations according to the subsidiary legislations. Clause 19(2) sets out various matters to be prescribed by the regulations which must be included in such reports by the designated entities. Clause 19(2)(b) mentions the possibility of “classes of foreign affiliations (if any) that need not be reported.”

May I ask the minister what are the possible affiliations being considered by MHA at this point in time to be excluded from the reporting process and if so, what are the considerations?

I would also like to ask the minister whether MHA is presently aware of the extent of our clan and business associations receiving donations from foreign counterparts and entities and if so, to share some details so we can better understand the extent of such financial support such organisations are currently receiving and have a better appreciation of the likely risk that such organisations may face. It will also enable MPs to appreciate MHA’s concerns about the risks of foreign interference on such clans and associations leading to MHA tabling such requirements.

Administrative burden on clans and business organisations

Mr Deputy Speaker, while the declaration of details relating to foreign donations to clans and business organisations may be a control measure to minimise or prevent foreign political interference, I am concerned that the reporting requirements should not overly burden the management of our clan and business organisations, especially the smaller clans which may already have their hands full running their organisations, recruiting younger members and ensuring their continuing relevance and contributions to modern society in Singapore. I hope that MHA will also be empathetic to organisational constraints, especially in smaller clans and business associations when regulations are introduced for easier administrative compliance. After all, many of these office bearers and members are volunteers and staff support may be limited, especially for the smaller clans. This is also bearing in mind that the likely penalties, which may arise from non-compliance, are stiff.

Clarifications on foreign donations and joint projects

I would further like to ask the minister to confirm for good order that the presence of foreign-based donations, whether from a foreign counterpart clan or business association or from even a foreign business entity with business interests, is, in itself, and unlike in FICA, not prohibited or not regarded as unwelcome. I say this because there are possibly mutual benefits from such donations if such clans and associations find it difficult to raise funds while foreign businesses may find that it is a good marketing avenue for their businesses and products. While MHA can follow up on declared foreign entities if it deems necessary, I hope that there will not be unnecessary stigma relating to foreign donations per se, as long as there is no political interference.

I would also like to know whether the financial contributions to joint projects between local clans or business organisations and their foreign counterparts come under the clauses of this Bill. If so, I am concerned that their inclusion may discourage joint projects which may be beneficial to the development of our local clans or business organisations.

Leadership restrictions on designated entities

Mr Deputy Speaker, I next touch on leadership restrictions imposed by this Bill on designated entities like clans and business organisations. Clauses 23 to 26 of this Bill impose basic leadership restrictions on such designated entities. The provisions require that more than half of the total number of seats on the governing body of any designated entity must be occupied or held by Singapore citizens; for governing bodies with fewer than three seats, all of them must be occupied or held by Singapore citizens. Responsible officers of designated entities must be Singapore citizens or Singapore permanent residents.

Mr Deputy Speaker, I support these provisions. In fact, I would go one step further to ask that responsible officers of designated entities must be Singapore citizens only, as opposed to Singapore citizens and permanent residents, as PRs are effectively nationals of another country. While their support and participation in clans and business organisations should be encouraged and allowed, the leadership of such entities should remain with those with no other nationality than that of Singapore.

Speech in Mandarin

Mr Deputy Speaker, in Mandarin please.







Mr Deputy Speaker, notwithstanding my concerns and questions, I support the Maintenance of Racial Harmony Bill.

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