Policy perspectives: our 2020 manifesto

This is our vision for a Singapore for all: where Singaporeans are enabled to achieve their dreams, where we provide  dignified jobs for our workers, where we tackle the cost of living, and where  robust political, governance, and defence institutions protect our security.

Policy whitepapers

Counting Down to Zero: Are There Alternatives to VERS?

The Workers’ Party Working Paper on HDB Resale Prices

Position Paper on the Constitution of Republic of Singapore (Amendment) Bill 2016

WP proposes that reverting to the Ceremonial Presidency and establishing an Elected Senate to fulfil the custodial role is the solution. The proposed constitutional amendments are major changes that should not be made with indecent haste and should be put to a referendum.

Redundancy Insurance: The Workers’ Party’s proposal for a resilient 21st century workforce

The Workers’ Party proposes a Redundancy Insurance scheme to ease the financial pressure on workers who are made redundant

A Dynamic Population for a Sustainable Singapore

Published in February 2013, this paper lays out WP’s principles and proposals on population policy and presents WP’s objections to the Government’s Population White Paper.

Walk with us, #StepUp with the Workers’ Party

Join us in building a brighter future for all Singaporeans. Whether you lend your time, energy, or resources, your support makes a difference.